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OS-1 is useful for mild to moderate dehydration,
and heatstroke associated with dehydration
Oral Rehydration Solution, OS-1 Series

OS-1 series are beverages that meet the oral rehydration therapy guidelines recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). The composition of OS-1 is based on the guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics, which has promoted the use of oral rehydration therapy for persons who are dehydrated.

OS-1, OS-1 Apple Flavor

Approved labeling of OS-1, OS-1 Apple Flavor

OS-1/OS-1 Apple Flavor is an oral rehydration solution used in dietary therapy (oral rehydration therapy) for dehydration.
This product is approved as a food for persons with medical conditions and is intended to provide water and electrolytes in order to maintain proper water and electrolyte balance in persons with mild-to-moderate dehydration.
OS-1/OS-1 Apple Flavor can be used to prevent worsening of and aid in recovery from dehydration caused by the following conditions. OS-1/OS-1 Apple Flavor can also be used to provide or maintain water and electrolytes in the following conditions after recovery from dehydration.

  • ●Diarrhea, vomiting, or fever associated with infectious enteritis or the common cold
  • ●Insufficient oral intake in elderly persons
  • ●Excessive perspiration

OS-1/OS-1 Apple Flavor can also be used for heatstroke associated with dehydration

Instructions for use

OS-1/OS-1 Apple Flavor should be taken according to the following guidelines and intake adjusted based on the degree of dehydration.

  • ・Older children and adults (including elderly adults): 500-1000 mL/day
  • ・Young children: 300-600 mL/day
  • ・Infants: 30-50 mL/kg/day

OS-1/OS-1 Apple Flavor should be used as directed by a physician as a dietary therapy for dehydration. Consult a physician, pharmacist, nurse, registered dietitian, or registered salesperson before consuming OS-1/OS-1 Apple Flavor. OS-1/OS-1 Apple Flavor is intended only for the dietary treatment of dehydration, not for the treatment of any underlying disease (even if a large volume is consumed).

Precautions for handling OS-1, OS-1 Apple Flavor

  • Do not freeze the product. If the product is frozen, the contents may expand and damage the container.
  • Promptly consume after opening the container. Leaving unconsumed product at room temperature may result in damage of the container or propulsion of the cap.
Nutrition facts
(per 100 mL)
Calories 10 kcal, Protein 0 g, Fat 0 g, Carbohydrate 2.5 g, Salt equivalent 0.292g, Potassium 78 mg, Magnesium 2.4 mg, Phosphorous 6.2 mg
Glucose 1.8 g, chloride 177 mg
Concentrations of Main Ingredients Na+50mEq/L、K+20mEq/L、Cl-50mEq/L、Glucose1.8%
Product category Beverage
Ingredients OS-1 Glucose(manufactured in Japan), Fructose, Salt/Citric acid (Na), Potassium chloride, Sodium phosphate, Magnesium chloride, Sweetener (sucralose), Natural flavors
Apple Flavor
Glucose(manufactured in Japan), Fructose, Salt/Citric acid (Na), Potassium chloride, Sodium phosphate, Magnesium chloride, Natural flavors, Sweetener (sucralose)
Allergic substances
(28 items)
Not applicable
Volume 500mL, 300mL
Best before date 500mL:15 months after manufacturing date
300mL:15 months after manufacturing date
Storage Store in a cool place out of direct sunlight and high temperature.
Distributor Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Inc.
Manufacturing site < Manufacturing site code:+MS >
Maruzen Foods Corporation Suzaka Factory
4062-3, Ogawara, Suzaka-shi, Nagano
< Manufacturing site code:+MO >
Maruzen Foods Corporation Fujioyama Factory
884-1, Suganuma, Oyama-cho, Sunto-gun, Shizuoka
< Manufacturing site code:+SO >
Shinanokougen Foods Corporation Fujioyama Factory
1-1, Oyama Oyama-cho, Sunto-gun, Shizuoka

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(available only on the Japanese site)

OS-1 Jelly, OS-1 Jelly Apple Flavor

Approved labeling of OS-1 Jelly , OS-1 Jelly Apple Flavor

OS-1 Jelly/OS-1 Jelly Apple Flavor is an oral rehydration solution used in dietary therapy (oral rehydration therapy) for dehydration.
This product is approved as a food for persons with medical conditions and is intended to provide water and electrolytes in order to maintain proper water and electrolyte balance in persons with mild-to-moderate dehydration.
OS-1 Jelly/OS-1 Jelly Apple Flavor can be used to prevent worsening of and aid in recovery from dehydration caused by the following conditions. OS-1 Jelly/OS-1 Jelly Apple Flavor can also be used to provide or maintain water and electrolytes in the following conditions after recovery from dehydration.

  • ●Diarrhea, vomiting, or fever associated with infectious enteritis or the common cold
  • ●Insufficient oral intake in elderly persons
  • ●Excessive perspiration

OS-1 Jelly/OS-1 Jelly Apple Flavor can also be used for heatstroke associated with dehydration.
Although this product can be consumed by persons who have difficulty chewing or swallowing, a physician should be consulted before its use.

Instructions for use

OS-1 Jelly/OS-1 Jelly Apple Flavor should be taken according to the following guidelines and intake adjusted based on the degree of dehydration.

  • ・Older children and adults (including elderly adults): 500-1000 g/day
  • ・Young children: 300-600 g/day
  • ・Infants: per 1kg 30~50 g/day

Use as directed by a physician as a dietary therapy for dehydration.
Consult a physician, pharmacist, nurse, registered dietitian, or registered salesperson before consuming OS-1 Jelly. OS-1 Jelly is intended only for the dietary treatment of dehydration, not for the treatment of any underlying disease (even if a large volume is consumed).

Precautions for handling OS-1 Jelly and OS-1 Jelly Apple Flavor

  • Do not freeze or heat the product. If the product is frozen or heated, the jelly may disintegrate.
  • Some water may be separated from the product depending on how the product is stored and handled.
  • Be careful not to spill the contents when opening the container.
  • After opening the container, consume the appropriate amount of OS-1 Jelly/OS-1 Jelly Apple Flavor promptly. Store any unused product in the refrigerator. Make sure that cap is properly resealed.
  • To avoid accidental swallowing, do not put cap into the mouth.
Nutrition facts
(per 100 g)
Calories 10 kcal, Protein 0 g, Fat 0 g, Carbohydrate 2.5 g, Salt equivalent 0.292g, Potassium 78 mg, Magnesium 2.4 mg, Phosphorous 6.2 mg
Glucose 1.8 g, chloride 177 mg
Concentrations of Main Ingredients Na+50mEq/L、K+20mEq/L、Cl-50mEq/L、Glucose1.8%
Product category Beverage (jelly)
Ingredients OS−1
Glucose(domestic manufacturing), Salt/Citric acid (Na), Thickener (polysaccharides), Potassium chloride, Sodium phosphate, Magnesium chloride, Sweetener (sucralose, acesulfame potassium), Natural flavors
OS-1 Jelly
Glucose(domestic manufacturing), Salt/Citric acid (Na), Thickener (polysaccharides), Potassium chloride, Sodium phosphate, Magnesium chloride, Natural flavors, Sweetener (sucralose, acesulfame potassium)
Allergic substances
(28 items)
Not applicable
Volume 200 g
Best before date 15 months after manufacturing date
Storage Store in a cool place out of direct sunlight and high temperature.
Distributor Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Inc.

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(available only on the Japanese site)

OS-1 Powder

Approved labeling of OS-1 Powder

OS-1 powder is an oral rehydration solution used in dietary therapy (oral rehydration therapy) for dehydration. This product is approved as a food for persons with medical conditions and is intended to provide water and electrolytes in order to maintain proper water and electrolyte balance in persons with mild to moderate dehydration. OS-1 powder can be used to prevent worsening of and aid in recovery from dehydration caused by the following conditions. OS-1 powder can also be used to provide or maintain water and electrolytes in the following conditions after recovery from dehydration.

  • ●Diarrhea, vomiting, or fever associated with
    infectious enteritis or the common cold
  • ●Insufficient oral intake in elderly persons
  • ●Excessive perspiration

OS-1 powder can also be used for heatstroke associated with dehydration.

Instructions for use

OS-1 should be taken according to the following guidelines and intake adjusted based on the degree of dehydration.

  • ・Older children and adults (including elderly adults): 500-1000 mL/day
  • ・Young children: 300-600 mL/day
  • ・Infants: 30-50 mL/kg/day

OS-1 should be used as directed by a physician as a dietary therapy for dehydration. Consult a physician, pharmacist, nurse, registered dietitian, or registered salesperson before consuming OS-1. OS-1 is intended only for the dietary treatment of dehydration, not for the treatment of any underlying disease (even if a large volume is consumed).

Precautions for handling OS-1 Powder

This product is likely to absorb moisture. Use soon after opening.
After dissolving, this product should be stored in a refrigerator and consumed promptly.
When dissolving or storing this product, use a non-metal container.
Do not consume this product in powder form as is, or if prepared differently from the How to Use instructions.

Nutrition facts
(Per1pouch/30 g, 1pouch/15 g)
(30 g)
Calories 102 kcal, Protein 0 g, Fat 0 g, Carbohydrate 25.4 g, Salt equivalent 2.97g, Potassium 794 mg, Magnesium 25 mg, Phosphorous 63 mg
Glucose 18.3 g, chloride 1801 mg
(15 g)
Calories 51 kcal, Protein 0 g, Fat 0 g, Carbohydrate 12.7 g, Salt equivalent 1.485g, Potassium 397 mg, Magnesium 12.5 mg, Phosphorous 31.5 mg
Glucose 9.15 g, chloride 900.5 mg
Concentrations of Main Ingredients Na+50mEq/L、K+20mEq/L、Cl-50mEq/L、Glucose1.8%
Product category Powdered drink mix
Ingredients Glucose(domestic manufacturing), Fructose:Maltodextrin, Salt/Citric acid (Na), Potassium chloride, Sodium phosphate, Thickening agent(Pullulan), Magnesium chloride:Magnesium carbonate, Sweetener (sucralose, Thaumatin), Natural flavors
Allergic substances
(28 items)
Not applicable
Volume 30g(for 1L), 15g(for 500mL)
Best before date 66 months after manufacturing date
Storage Store in a cool place out of direct sunlight and high temperature.
Distributor Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Inc.
Manufacturing site Otsuka Foods Co., Ltd.
6-6, Takamatsu-cho, Konan-shi, Shiga

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(available only on the Japanese site)